Health News

E-Cigs May Zap Addiction
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, may return a bit of independence to tobacco smokers who make the switch.
Just a Drop May Slow Vision Loss
Glaucoma patients face the threat of vision loss. Fortunately, a common eye drop prescription for glaucoma may reduce that threat.
Something in the Air: Autism Risk May Be Tied to Pollution
Researchers may be one step closer to understanding what causes autism. The possible cause? Air pollution.
Fitness Now for Good Blood Pressure Later
Being fit may make you look and feel great — and it could ward off future health risks like high blood pressure.
Blood Sugar Control Could Boost Brain Growth
Too much sugar in the blood isn't so sweet for kids with type 1 diabetes — it could even slow their brain development. Fortunately, managing blood sugar levels may keep these kids' brains developing normally.
Hot Flashes May Signal Fracture Risk
Hot flashes and night sweats could be more than just unpleasant symptoms of menopause — they could be tied to bone health.
Rx May Keep Kids With ADHD Safe
A common medication for ADHD may keep kids out of the emergency room.
E-Cigs More Common Than Cigarettes Among Teens
Traditional cigarette smoking has been dropping among US teens for years. But there might be a new trend to consider — e-cigarettes.
Know Your Rx — It May Help Your Recovery
Understanding what a medication does and how to use it properly may be as important to your health as actually taking the pill.
Early Caregiving Boosted Babies' Development
Mothers who quickly respond to that 3 a.m. feeding wail with love and attention may improve their children’s development — from infancy to adulthood.