Health News

Possible Alternatives to Kidney Removal
Looking for a less extreme alternative to surgical removal of the organ, a new study assessed the effectiveness of two alternative treatments for kidney cancer patients.
Concerns May Deter Some From Transplants
Some patients are less likely than others to undergo surgery to receive a new kidney. New research looked at the concerns that may drive this decision-making in patients.
Exercise Levels Low in Diabetes Patients
Diabetes is a disease closely tied to weight, but are patients getting enough exercise to slim down? Maybe not, suggests a new study.
Preventive Care Lacking for US Kids
Preventing illness in children is often much easier than treating a disease. But new reports warned that many US kids may not be getting full preventive care.
Exercise May Help Kids Focus
Exercise improves health in many ways. And a new study suggests it may help children who have problems focusing at school.
FDA Approves Rx for Weight Loss
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new weight-loss pill Sept. 10 for use in obese and overweight adults.
Rx Could Cut Diabetes Complications
A first-of-its-kind study examined the potential relationship between taking statins, prescription medicines that treat high cholesterol, and diabetes complications like vision loss and kidney damage.
Pertussis Vaccine Recommended for Mom and Baby
With a recent spike in the number of cases tracked by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), doctors are reminding pregnant women and parents of small children of pertussis vaccination guidelines.
Small Weight Gain May Push Blood Pressure Higher
Losing weight can be an effective way to fight high blood pressure and improve heart health. A slight weight increase, however, may raise blood pressure.
Dad’s Smoking May Affect Future Children
Secondhand smoke can be harmful to children. But it may also harm children before they're even born.