Health News

Peer Group Could Influence Medication Abuse Patterns
Prescription medicine misuse continues to be a problem in the United States, and researchers recently wanted to find out why.
Pulmonary Disease May Increase Lung Cancer Risk
Medical conditions that affect breathing can take an immediate toll on health and may set the stage for other serious problems later in life.
Sugar-Sweetened Drink Habit Was Common
Despite warnings about what it may be doing to their health, new research suggests many Americans are still opting for sugar-sweetened beverages every day.
Doctors Replaced Heart Valve Outside Heart
For the first time in the United States, doctors have replaced a failing heart valve just outside the heart, rather than inside it.
Bacterial Meningitis Decreased Across US
Many worry about the diseases vaccines protect against, but a recent study showed that efforts to improve immunizations and treatments for at least one illness may be working.
FDA Warns Against Fake Ebola Treatments
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a statement warning against fraudulent Ebola treatments.
Mosquito-Borne Virus Spikes in Western Hemisphere
In the previous months, chikungunya cases have spiked in the Western Hemisphere. While locally transmitted cases have been confirmed in Florida, officials don't think the virus will spread rapidly in the US.
Mayo Clinic Updates Cholesterol Guidelines
The Mayo Clinic recently assembled a task force to update existing cholesterol guidelines.
Brisk Exercise May Cut Breast Cancer Risk in Black Women
Exercise has been associated with many health benefits like reduced heart disease risk and stress. And new research suggests black women may be able to cut their breast cancer risk by working out.
Hypertension Rates Were Higher in Adults With Disabilities
High blood pressure is a common condition, and new research suggests that it may be even more common among adults with disabilities.