Health News

Not All Health Care Providers Told Patients to Quit Smoking
A professional's advice — even if it's about something widely known — can carry a lot of weight. But some professionals may be missing chances to advise patients to quit smoking.
FDA Approves New Lung Disease Medication
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new medication for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
FDA OKs New Rx for Diabetic Eye Disease
The FDA has given a thumbs up to a new medication to treat an eye disease that affects hundreds of thousands of people with diabetes.
Johnson and Johnson Asks Doctors to Return Morcellators
Earlier this year, Johnson & Johnson stopped selling a certain surgical device because it poses a risk of spreading a dangerous cancer in women. Now, the company is taking it one step further and asking doctors to return the device.
Why Children Visit the ER
Young children tend to visit the emergency room more than those of other ages. Recent research aimed to find out the reasons why.
Major Review Shows E-Cigs Likely Less Harmful Than Cigarettes
Electronic cigarettes are a newer nicotine product, and the medical community is working to understand their effect on users’ health.
Tree Nuts May Reduce Metabolic Syndrome Risk
Tree nuts are full of various nutrients, including protein, fatty acids, fiber and vitamins, and new research suggests that they may actually help fight disease.
Florida Beaches See Bacteria Scare
The beach is not always fun in the sun — sometimes it can be unsafe. Health officials have warned the public about a dangerous bacteria found in the waters of Florida's beaches.
Acupuncture Could Help Patients With Breast Cancer Find Relief
As acupuncture becomes more common, more research is exploring its effects. One new study found that the practice may help some breast cancer patients.
Alternative Medicine Could Help With Hot Flashes
Menopause is an inevitable physical and mental change for most women, and many seek ways to reduce the often uncomfortable symptoms. New research shows that acupuncture may be a way to do so.