Health News

Drinking Behind Many Early Deaths Each Year
Drinking may be seen as a way to relax, but in some cases it can easily become a serious issue. A new study suggests that excessive drinking may be leading to many early deaths in the US.
Greater Risk for Type 2 Diabetes in Women with PCOS
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that affects many women. In the past, the condition has been linked to type 2 diabetes, but it hasn't been clear whether weight plays a role in that diabetes risk as well.
Serious Stress May Lead People to Turn to Tobacco
Tobacco use remains one of the most preventable causes of illness and death in the United States each year. It seems that some adults may be driven to using tobacco by serious stress.
Too Much TV Tied to Higher Risk for Early Death
Watching TV may be entertaining, but for many, it also may involve some unhealthy habits — specifically, sitting and snacking. As such, watching too much TV could have serious consequences for people's health.
Five Neurosurgery Treatments to Question
In an effort to connect doctors and patients, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation puts out updated recommendations on the best treatment options. The latest installation of the ABIM Choosing Wisely series focuses on neurology.
Parents Worried Most if Child Was Allergic to Eggs, Milk
Many children are allergic to peanuts, but parents may worry most about other food allergies.
Women with Chronic Illness More Likely to Use Mental Health Care
Ongoing illness can burden the mind as it also takes a toll on the body. Counseling and other therapies aimed at boosting a sick individual’s mental wellness is a common course of action for some, but not for all.
Low-Dose Aspirin May Cut Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Low-dose aspirin, commonly used to prevent heart attack and stroke, may have another use: protecting against one of the deadliest cancers.
FDA Warns of Rare But Serious Reactions to OTC Acne Products
People with acne have many choices of over-the-counter (OTC) products to help them clear their skin. The FDA is warning that some of these products may cause rare but serious and possibly life-threatening reactions.
HPV-Positive Throat Cancer Patients Lived Longer
Human papilloma virus (HPV) causes most head and neck cancers. For patients with these cancers, however, being HPV-positive may improve survival compared to being HPV-negative.