Health News

Side Effects Common in Older Adults Taking Thiazides
Many older people take medications to lower their blood pressure. A new study has found that one of the first medications often prescribed to patients for this purpose may cause some significant problems.
Rx Combo for Quitting Smoking Was Better than One Rx Alone
Even though there are a variety of aids to help people quit smoking, it’s still a tough habit to kick. But if one of those aids isn't doing the job, a combination of smoking cessation therapies may do the trick.
Bionic Pancreas Outperformed Insulin Pump
People with type 1 diabetes have to vigilantly keep track of their blood sugar levels. A new piece of wearable technology, the bionic pancreas, could help streamline the daily routine of insulin injections and blood sugar testing.
Obesity's Role in Newborn Fat Mass
Parents play a crucial part in keeping their children healthy. For mothers, that influence starts when their baby is in the womb.
Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Mammograms
High public awareness of breast cancer has driven charity walks and fundraising from large organizations that stress the importance of regular screening mammograms.
Clot-Busting Therapy for Pulmonary Embolism Lowered Death Risk
Pulmonary embolism is a condition that can strike suddenly, sometimes with deadly consequences. New research on treatments for the condition could lead to better outcomes and understanding of risk factors.
Sick Days More Common in People With Thyroid Disorders
A person's quality of life can be significantly affected by thyroid problems. New research looked to the workplace to see just how much thyroid disease can impact a person's life.
Herbal Remedies, Common OTC Medications Can Hurt the Liver
Many patients try herbal and non-prescription medications when they have an ailment and do not want to pay their doctor a visit. But those "natural" and over-the-counter medications might just make a visit to their doctor urgent.
Widespread E-Cig Use Despite Little Understanding of Health Effects
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, have been marketed as the "healthy" alternative to regular cigarettes. However, new research questions whether people really are aware of the effects of e-cigs on their health.
Unpacking the Trauma of War Injuries
Traumatic brain injury has been one of the signature injuries to result from the US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. But there is more than one way to get this injury.