Health News

Successes of the Chickenpox Vaccine
Any time a new vaccine is introduced, researchers pay special attention to what happens in the next several decades to the disease that vaccine protects against. Chickenpox is no different.
Many Breast Cancer Patients May Exercise Too Little
Exercise has been shown to help women diagnosed with breast cancer live longer and better lives. But are breast cancer patients actually getting the exercise they need?
Tackling Trends in This Year's Flu Season
Flu season may be largely over in the US, but that only means it's time to prepare for next year. A new report considered this year's trends and next year's chances.
Partners Kept Sleep Apnea Patients on Track With Treatment
Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition that can increase the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other diseases. The most common treatment for sleep apnea is CPAP. But it's not always easy to get patients to use CPAP every night.
Some Workers Using More Smokeless Tobacco
Could the job you have or the industry you work in be tied to the likelihood that you use certain tobacco products? Authors of a new study say this just might be the case.
A Cancer Knowledge Gap
The best way to beat cancer is to prevent it from occurring in the first place, when possible. With head and neck cancers, there are several ways to reduce risk.
DEET Mosquito Repellent Seemed Safe
Summertime brings sunshine and warmth, but also those pesky mosquitos and attempts to ward them off. Many people might wonder whether insect repellents with DEET are safe.
New Rx May Relieve Constipation Caused by Painkillers
Many people deal with constipation at some point in their lives, but for people on particularly strong medications for pain, constipation can be a chronic complaint. One investigational medication may provide relief.
Weight Surgery May Cut Cancer Risk
For the obese, weight loss surgery—which reduces the stomach to a small pouch—has been shown to improve patient health in many ways. The procedure may even help prevent cancer.
Powerhouse Fruits and Veggies Pack a Nutritional Punch
We know we are supposed to eat our veggies and our greens, but with such variety available, which ones should we focus on? A new study aimed to identify "powerhouse" produce.