Health News

New Therapy Studied for Ulcerative Colitis
Budesonide reduces swelling in the digestive tract of those with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A new extended-release version seems to be effective and safe for treating ulcerative colitis, a type of IBD.
Many Women Not Taking Folic Acid Before Pregnancy
Is it ever too early to start thinking about the health of a child? A new study suggests that more women should be thinking ahead and taking folic acid supplements before they become pregnant.
RA Patients’ Long-Term Response to Rx
Rheumatoid arthritis can be treated with a variety of medications, depending on what works best for a patient. Sometimes, however, effective medications come with unwanted side effects.
A Tough Flu Season for the Young
Many young to middle-aged adults might brush off flu season as no big concern for them. But this season, the flu has hit the young hard.
Mother’s Diet May Reduce Child’s Allergies
Rates of asthma and allergies in children have been increasing. Could what a mother eats when pregnant set kids up for these conditions after birth?
Choice of a Pill or Surgery for Ulcerative Colitis
Some conditions can only be treated with medication or surgery. Others, such as ulcerative colitis, can be treated with both options.
Weather Changes Tied to Stroke
When it's chilly out, some people get worried about catching a cold, but how about having a stroke? New research suggests there may be a connection between weather and stroke risk.
Stress Goes To Your Head
It's not all in your head — stress really does make a difference when it comes to the headaches or migraines that you might experience.
Repairs to Prevent Repeat Hernias
A concern with abdominal hernias is that they will happen again after they’re fixed. Stitching them together is the traditional method of repair, but that technique alone may not always yield a repair that lasts.
More Activity Tied to Less Pain in Kids with Arthritis
For kids with arthritis, painful joints can limit activity. Trying to sort out the relationship between pain and activity in these kids could mean better therapies and quality of life.