Health News

Angelina Jolie Did Not Increase Cancer Risk Awareness Says Survey
Last Spring, Angelina Jolie announced she had undergone a preventive double mastectomy because she had a rare genetic risk. Did this major media story improve breast cancer risk awareness?
Four-in-One Flu Vaccine Succeeded
A universal flu vaccine to protect against all strains of the flu doesn't exist yet. But a new one does appear to protect against four flu strains at once.
Round-the-Clock Visiting Hours May Be Good for Patients
Hospital visiting hours are often restricted to allow patients rest, and doctors and nurses time to work. But a new study suggests that allowing hospital visits around the clock may make for happier patients and staff.
New Strain of Bird Flu Infects Human
Human cases of bird flu are no longer unheard of, but the latest case is especially catching the attention of global health officials — it's the first infection with a new strain.
Heart Disease Increased Dementia Risks in Older Women
Dementia, a condition that affects memory and thinking abilities, is most often associated with aging. New research has found there may be a link between dementia and heart disease.
Shedding Pounds to Improve Heart Health
Weight loss has been linked to better heart health, but a recent study indicated that the benefits of dropping pounds may depend on whether they stay off.
Help for Drivers with Parkinson's
Amid the trembling, shaking and other changes that come with Parkinson's disease, many with Parkinson's still try to drive. One device might improve their driving ability.
Concussions May Be Depressing for Teens
Doctors have long suspected a link between depression and head injuries. A recent national study looked at this possible link in teenagers.
Obese Children Showed Signs of Stress
Stress can affect any of us, and one recent study found that bodies of obese children may be under more hormonal stress than their normal weight peers.
Understanding Military PTSD Risk
Military deployment can bring risks of many types for service members. Coming home with PTSD is sometimes one of those risks, but it might not have to be.