Health News

Rx for Arrhythmia Shortens Hospital Stay
The average price for a day in the hospital can be close to $4,000. So anything that can safely reduce hospital days would be welcome by both patients and insurers.
Stroke Care Extends Its Reach Via Video
Less populated areas may not have access to stroke specialists in person. Stroke patients, however, can now get lifesaving expertise—long distance—through video conferencing.
Change Your Behavior, Lose the Weight
Losing weight can be tough for those who are obese. It can be an even tougher battle with a serious mental health disorder. But it is possible.
Too Much Salt for Toddlers
It may be convenient to pick up prepackaged meals designed for babies and toddlers at the grocery store. Yet these meals may contain higher than recommended amounts of sodium.
Energy Drinks Get Your Heart Pumping
Most people down energy drinks if they want an extra boost. Yet that extra energy boost may translate into small boosts in blood pressure too.
From One Stomach Virus to Another
Rotavirus was the leading cause of diarrhea and stomach pain in infants and young children across the globe. But now, another group of viruses might be taking its place.
Platelets Win Against Tennis Elbow Pain
If that repeated, twisting arm motion becomes painful, the pain might be tennis elbow, even in non-tennis players. Rest is often the first step to healing, and there may be a new way to decrease the pain.
Depression Put Alzheimer’s on Fast Track
Depression can make the most on-the-ball people feel like their brains are mush. In people with Alzheimer’s disease, depression may speed up disease symptoms.
Activity Has Long-Term Payoff for Heart
Get up off of that seat! Physical activity has many health perks, including lowering the risk of cancer and osteoporosis. Over the decades, staying active also brings great benefits to the heart.
Live Longer, Avoid Accidents
The top causes of death in the US for people under 50 are not from disease. Extra caution while driving, saying no to drugs and leading a healthy lifestyle could go a long way to keep a person alive.