Health News

Flu Rx Approved for New Use
The flu medication Xofluza (baloxavir marboxil) has been approved for a new use.
Baby Powder Recalled
One lot of Johnson's Baby Powder has been recalled for asbestos.
New Migraine Rx Approved
A new migraine medication is hitting the market.
FDA: Rompe Pecho Cough Syrup a No-Go
With flu season here, you'll want to be careful about selecting a cough syrup, according to a warning from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Ranitidine Medication Warning FAQs
A common acid reflux medication has been in the news for containing low levels of a possible cancer-causing impurity. Here's what you need to know.
A Patch for Schizophrenia
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a first-of-its-kind patch for schizophrenia.
Mammogram Myths
For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we're debunking four common mammogram myths.
Supplements for Mental Health?
Can a nutritional supplement help manage depression symptoms? New research suggests that it's possible.
Head Injuries: More Than Concussions
Concussions have been linked to long-term brain damage, but a new study found that smaller impacts to the head may also lead to harm over time.
E-Cigs Remain Under Investigation
Health officials continue to investigate e-cigarettes as the number of reported respiratory problems tied to vaping continues to rise.