Health News

Some EpiPen Expiration Dates Extended
Here's what you need to know about what's being done to address the ongoing EpiPen shortage.
Wildfires and Your Health
With recent wildfires raging through countless acres of land in California, it's more important than ever to know how you can remain safe and healthy in the event of a wildfire.
Flu Season Is Coming: Are You Ready?
Take precautions today to avoid the flu this fall.
Eating Like an Athlete
Athletes reach peak performance when hard training is combined with a balanced diet.
How to Handle Bites and Stings
Summer means spending time at the beach, playing outside and having other outdoor adventures. It also means lots of opportunities for bites and stings from bugs and wildlife.
Flood Safety Tips
Do you live in a flood hazard area? If so, it's time to prepare for the worst and learn what to do in case of a flooding event.
What to Do About Wildfires
Although wildfires are possible any time of year, the heat and droughts of summer increase the odds. Now is the perfect time to learn how to stay safe.
Do You Drink Enough Water?
Are you drinking enough water? Sometimes, it can be hard to tell whether you're getting enough water to stay healthy.
Heart Failure May Harm Women More
Women with heart failure may be more likely than men to die or be hospitalized, according to a new Canadian study.
New Device Guides Breast Cancer Biopsies
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new device to guide lymph node biopsies in patients with breast cancer.