AddictionsInfo Center
Anti-Smoking Needs Constant Campaigns
Smoking habits or the lack thereof can be linked to anti-smoking campaigns. Tough economic times can slash prevention budgets. The fallout—a spike in smoking related health issues.
This Is Your Child's Brain on Smoking
There are 101 reasons not to smoke while you're pregnant. But here is reason #102: there's some evidence it might change the way your child's brain works later on.
Secondhand Smoke and Your Unborn Baby
It's pretty well established that smoking while pregnant leads to various negative health effects for your child. But even being around cigarette smoke can affect your unborn baby.
Myth Busters: Skinny Smokers
There’s this myth out there that smoking helps keep the weight off. But recent science may have just proved that myth completely wrong.
Why Do Some People Use?
Hair and eye color are easy to predict, but what about drug dependence? Why do some kids from abusive homes end up addicted to drugs and their siblings don’t?
Athletic Cheaters Face New Test
After Lance Armstrong gave up his case against the US Anti-Doping Agency, the organization and similar ones around the world now have new, more effective tools to find blood dopers.
Online Communities for Quitting
Quitting smoking is tough work. Engaging in an online community may help people change their smoking habits.
Drinking & Early Strokes
Heavy drinking can cause all sorts of health problems—higher risk for central brain bleeds among them. Why take the risk? Moderate drinking does not cause the same trouble.
It Works If You Work It
There are support groups for alcoholics all over the place. The key to staying sober may be to not only go to meetings, but engage in talking, listening and organization duties.
Smoker Vs. Never-Smoker Lung Cancer
Lung cancer patients who never smoked may be treated differently in the future than those who have smoked. That’s because smoking changes a person’s genes – a lot.