AddictionsInfo Center
Smoking Gets Schooled
College is the first time many students are away from home. It can also be the first time they start smoking. A new study is looking for ways to prevent college smokers from becoming lifelong smokers.
NASCAR Provides Answers to Reduce Smoking
One of the major risks factors for head and neck cancers is smoking. New studies show community-based screenings may reduce smoking habits and reduce the risk of head and neck cancer.
Quit Smoking, Pad Your Wallet
Everyone knows smoking is dangerous and the improvement to your health is almost immediate when you quit. If that's not reason enough, quitting cigarettes can fill up your piggy bank.
Alternative Medicine for Smoking
As the Great American Smokeout approaches, tobacco-free supporters reach out to increase awareness, some with rather interesting means of absolving addiction.
Predicting Memory Problems
Hypertension, diabetes and smoking are known to increase your chances for stroke. A new study shows they can also be factors in developing cognitive problems later in life, even among patients who have never experienced a stroke.
Prescription Painkillers Can Be Fatal
Painkillers are prescribed to ease a patient's suffering. But millions of Americans are misusing prescription painkillers, resulting in an epidemic of fatal overdoses.
Smoking Cessation Easier After Stroke
After a stroke some patients may find it easier to quit smoking. There may be a good reason for that. Smokers who intended to stop prior to the stroke and those who have a particular area of their brain damaged by stroke are more likely to quit.
Smoking Cessation Drug has Side Effects
Quitting smoking is a healthy lifestyle choice, and many people turn to pharmaceuticals for help. But for one drug, scientists have found that the risks may outweigh the benefits.
Marijuana: Same Plant, Different Possibilities
Plants have many purposes on this earth– some can be used as medicine, food, material and others can be used to alter the mind. Different strains of marijuana can do both, but how?
Bar Drinks Costs $2 More
For many Americans, Friday is just the beginning of a three day break. During this time, alcohol consumption is not uncommon and apparently it’s extremely costly for the U.S. and you.