Alcohol AddictionInfo Center
The Brighter Side of Liquid Courage
Alcohol has been called “liquid courage.” This perceived benefit may outweigh all the real negative side effects for regular drinkers. Researchers are now tapping into the reason why.
Mini Males Messed Up Over Holidays
There's nothing like a reason to party for young men to overdo it on the alcohol front. New drivers and new drunks are typically a dangerous combination.
What’s the Recommended Daily Allowance for Alcohol?
Researchers found that older people might be drinking more than they should in the privacy of their own homes. However, other researchers say just the opposite.
Tipsy Driving is Still Drunk Driving
The blood-alcohol limit in the U.S. is 0.08, which is significantly higher than any other country. What do they know that we don’t? Are our limits too high?
Living La Vida Loca in College
College students living on their own for the first time can live life a little too fully. It appears they haven't quite found a balance yet.
No Más for Sugar Ray
The 1980 fight between Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran held in the Louisiana Superdome found Duran a beaten man. In the closing seconds of the eighth round, Duran turned his back to Leonard and quit, saying to referee Octavio Meyran...
Less Keg Stands, Better Grades!
College students have developed a bad habit of binge drinking to a dangerous level. Students are eager to take twenty one shots on their twenty first birthday and trying a keg stand which can, and has led many to the hospital, and at times even death.
Drinking and Cancer
Drinking too much alcohol has been linked to a number of diseases - ranging from gout to fatty liver. A new study expands the number of health conditions on the list.
A Genetic Answer for Alcoholism
In a recent study, researchers examined how genetic risk factors effect the brain and human behavior. The research found individuals who carry the GABRA2 gene often act on impulse, and may develop alcoholism.
Traumatic Brain Injury Leads to Major Depressive Disorder
Having a traumatic brain injury is a scary, life changing event. It is now known that the risk of developing major depression during the first year after a brain injury is quite high.