Alcohol AddictionInfo Center
Heavy Drinking and Hangovers Tied to Stroke
Waking up with a hangover can leave you with a headache for the rest of the day. Recent research suggests that it also may lead to lasting damage to blood vessels.
Of Pregnancy Blues and Drinking Clues
The recommendations not to drink alcohol while pregnant are clear from obstetric medical organizations in the US. Yet pregnant women feeling depressed may be at risk for ignoring this advice.
Fake IDs May Fuel Underage Drinking
To legally buy and drink alcohol, a person must meet a minimum age requirement set by each state. Such laws aim to protect those who are underage from the damage done by drinking alcohol.
Early Bloomers Smoking and Drinking Before Peers
Puberty is an important milestone on the road to growing up. But hitting puberty early may lead some kids to try adult substances earlier than other kids.
Staying Sober for a New Liver
Liver transplant patients with a history of alcohol abuse often go through a treatment program before surgery. But the temptation to drink doesn’t stop once the surgery is over.
Bipolar Youth at Risk for Substance Abuse?
Bipolar disorder has been previously linked with substance abuse in adolescents. It's possible that certain symptoms or behaviors can help target youth before they develop a substance use disorder.
Retiring to Excessive Drinking
As people enter their senior years, they may not drink quite as much as they did in their wild and crazy youth. But many seniors still may drink more than they should, when it comes to their health.
Where Teens Get Smokes and Booze
It’s illegal to sell alcohol and cigarettes to minors, but many underage youths get ahold of these substances anyway. It may be that friends and family are providing access.
Teens Doubling and Tripling Their Alcohol Intake
Concerns about teenage alcohol use have existed for a long time — and with good reason. But it may surprise some people to learn just how much some high school students drink.
Foster Children and Orphans Facing Fetal Disorders
Children not living with biological or adopted parents often already face greater challenges than other children. But events before their birth may add to those challenges.