Autism Spectrum DisordersInfo Center
This Vaccine Played No Part in Autism Risk
The cause of autism remains a mystery, but new evidence may rule out one possible cause — bringing researchers closer to understanding this disorder.
Another Possible Factor in Autism Risk
Many factors during pregnancy can affect a baby's development. Among those factors may be gestational diabetes, which could affect your baby's neurological development.
ADHD Treatment: Too Much Medication, Too Little Therapy
All children have those days when they’re bouncing off the walls, but kids with ADHD may need more help than average to manage their behavior. And the kind of help they get may make a big difference in their health.
More Tummy Troubles for Kids with Autism
Caring for a child with autism comes with struggles, and many parents may find that stomach problems in kids may be part of those struggles.
Something in the Air: Autism Risk May Be Tied to Pollution
Researchers may be one step closer to understanding what causes autism. The possible cause? Air pollution.
Air Pollution May Play Role in Autism
Past research has posed many theories about factors that could influence autism in children, and the authors of a new study may have found one more. Children born in areas of high pollution may be more likely to have the disorder, the new study suggests.
Mother’s Iron Level Tied to Child’s Autism Risk
Iron deficiency has been associated with autism in past studies, such as one published in Pediatrics in 2012. And children of mothers who have too little iron during pregnancy may also have a higher risk of getting this condition.
Child Disability Rates Offered Surprises
One of the national surveys that investigates health conditions in children also tracks disability rates. And a recent study found a surprising trend in those rates.
Being Mindful of Parenting Stress
Parenting a child with autism and/or other disabilities can be rewarding yet stressful. Learning to manage that stress can help moms be more effective parents.
Pesticide Exposure While Pregnant Linked to Autism
To date, there is still no known single cause of autism. But recent research may have uncovered a new potential player in the development of the condition.