CancerInfo Center
More Life. Less Pain. Cancer Rx Delivers Both.
Zytiga ( abiraterone acetate) received expanded use approval to treat men with advanced prostate cancer last week. In addition to extending lives, a new study has found Zytiga also keeps men feeling better during their journey.
Bad to the Blood
When blood has gone bad, patients turn normally to donors for help. But using undefined stem cells from other parts of the patient's body may help donors become more of a last-minute option in the future.
Exercise Just Takes a Few Minutes
Some say it's 30 minutes of exercise twice or thrice weekly to see benefits. Others say it's 20 minutes done more often. For cancer patients who may be short on time or lack the energy, just a few minutes a day can help.
Unraveling Family Cancer Ties
Having a family history of any kind of cancer isn’t a bright spot for your own odds. It’s just part of nature over which we have no control. In terms of colorectal cancer, new understandings may help avoid a nightmare journey.
HPV Just Won't Go Away
Teenage girls have been targets of HPV campaigns over the last several years. But older women should be the focus as well, especially as repeat cases pop up in those already infected.
Videos Help Cancer Patients Understand Options
Doctors can talk to patients until they are blue in the face, but sometimes a short video can convey the clearest message. End-stage cancer patients may benefit from video learning.
Search Your Cancer Away
If you’re reading this article, chances are you have a healthier attitude about cancer prevention. That is, you don’t link cancer with luck and/or fate. In other words, you're not a fatalistic about cancer.
One Cancer - Many Diseases
Stomach cancer is not one disease, but many. Understanding the different types of this complex cancer could lead to improved treatments.
New Leukemia Rx Hits Market
Folks living with two types of blood cancer have new choices as of today. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved Iclusig ( ponatinib ) to treat chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) and Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia ( Ph + ALL).
Advanced Prostate Cancer Rx Being Reviewed
Men with metastatic prostate cancer may have a new treatment. Radium-223 dichloride (radium-223) is designed to treat castration-resistant prostate cancer that has spread to the bone.