CancerInfo Center

Imaging Cancer’s Return
After prostate cancer patients receive treatment, they still run the risk of the disease coming back. A newly approved imaging agent offers a way to detect recurrence earlier.
Is Cancer Diagnosis Just a Breath Away?
Many people have small growths of tissue in their lungs called nodules. While most are harmless, they can be cancerous. A new breath test may provide a simple means of diagnosis.
Ibuprofen and Bladder Cancer
Over-the-counter pain relievers including aspirin and ibuprofen may have an important role to play in lowering the risks of cancer. Researchers have found an association between long-term (10+ years) use of ibuprofen and lower bladder cancer risks. 
Bronze, Blisters & Skin Cancer
Blistering sunburns from vacations to the coast may not result in the same type of non-melanoma skin cancer as sun exposure like  lifeguarding every summer.
Diabetes Rx Has Future In Managing Ovarian Cancer
The cheap and effective drug that lowers blood sugar in type II diabetics may be a new weapon against breast, colon, prostate and other cancers. Growing evidence suggests metformin may also be helpful in managing ovarian cancer.
Decoding an ALL Mighty Cancer
One type of blood cancer is fairly common in children. It’s called acute lymphoblastic leukemia, or ALL for short. Most children are cured of this cancer. In adults, though, ALL is far more ferocious.
Can Moms-To-Be Help Prevent Childhood Cancers?
The lifestyle habits of moms-to-be affect the health of their babies. This fact is coming into laser focus these days. A common vitamin supplement may be helpful in warding off childhood cancers.
Quit Smoking to Save Your Life
In case you haven't heard, smoking is bad for your health. The evidence keeps piling up that smoking can kill you. The good news is that quitting means a longer life.
Critical Nine-Week Window
Radiation therapy is no picnic, but the sooner the better when fighting uterine cancer. Delaying radiation treatment after surgery doesn’t appear to help long-term recovery. 
Is Breast Cancer Being Overdiagnosed?
If you’ve been following the breast cancer screening recommendations, you know there is a hot debate about whether or not mammography is overdiagnosing breast cancer.