CancerInfo Center

From Cocktails to Cancer and Back
The human body is a wonderland of complex chemical reactions that both cause and ward off disease. Alcohol can throw the body out of sorts if the system doesn’t work just right.
New Genetic Signature for Leukemia
So what’s a genetic signature you ask? Basically it’s a set of genes in a cell that are involved in how disease starts, grows and spreads. This is hugely complicated and exciting science.
Eczema, Sun & Skin Cancer
Think putting on sunscreen takes too much time and effort? Think again—it could save your skin from serious trouble later in life.
New Drug for Advanced Prostate Cancer
A new drug - Xtandi ( enzalutamide ) - has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat advanced prostate cancer. In clinical trials, it gave men about five more months of life.
The Long and Winding Cancer Clinical Trial Road
The clinical trial process is a long and winding road that has lots of twists and turns. Clinical trials comparing two kidney cancer drugs illustrate this beautifully.
Whack-A-Mole for HPV Vaccine
Sometimes medicine is kind of like a game of whack-a-mole. You whack down one thing, and then another pops up. Some scientists have been worried that could happen with HPV.
Prostate Cancer Hates Aspirin
Aspirin and other common pain relievers have become the darlings of the cancer world. We’re hearing more and more about how aspirin or NSAIDs ( nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) help the body battle the monster.
Beating Cancer by Braving Drugs
When it’s the body against cancer, the body has to win at all costs. Getting the better of melanoma may require the immune system taking one for the team.
Age, Insurance & Cervical Cancer
Catching any cancer before it spreads to vital organs can greatly improve patient outcomes. A woman’s age and whether or not she has health insurance are factors in catching one cancer.
What Your Oncologist Won't Tell You
You know that exercise is good for you. This is true for just about any time in your life – some form of movement does a body good. Staying active is especially important during cancer treatment – but don’t wait for your doctor to tell you so.