CancerInfo Center

Do Deodorants Cause Breast Cancer?
If you use deodorant or cosmetics, you've been exposed to parabens . This preservative is used in a number of products, including pharmaceuticals and even some foods. So are these chemicals linked to cancer - particularly breast cancer?
Is Prostate Cancer in my DNA?
Scientists have known that prostate cancer runs in families for about 30 years. What's at the heart of this hereditary pattern has remained a mystery, though, until now.
Does Chemotherapy Cause Cancer to Return?
Most patients with acute myeloid leukemia will undergo chemotherapy to treat the disease. But this treatment may be causing harm as well as helping, according to a new study.
Strength Work Outs are Cancer Winners
Exercise is vitally important for people who have won their battle against cancer. A new study finds that a particular type of physical activity is especially beneficial.
Tricking Cancer Cells Into Eating Poison
Cancer cells are picky eaters. They don't open wide for just any molecule that comes along. No, they're too cunning for that. But scientists have found a way to outsmart these little monsters so they go gaga for what will kill them.
Why Never-Smokers Get Lung Cancer
While the incidence of lung cancer is decreasing in this country, there's another alarming trend. Roughly one in 10 individuals who is diagnosed with lung cancer has never smoked! And researchers are trying to understand why.
How Obesity Weighs on Cancer Screenings
Does obesity play a role in whether or not people undergo various types of cancer screening? The simple answer is "yes." The more nuanced answer says it depends on the individual's gender, race and type of cancer screening.
Estrogen Meds Help Prevent Lung Cancer too
The hormone estrogen is well-known for driving breast cancer. Researchers are now finding that estrogen-blocking medications, which are commonly used to help prevent a recurrence of the disease, may have uses in other cancers as well.
Cancer Does not Like Walnut Oil
Do walnuts fight off cancer? A recent Harvard Medical School study showed that walnuts have inhibitory effects upon colorectal cancer in mice.
4-Day Turnaround for Ovarian Cancer Vaccines
Women with recurrent ovarian cancer have very few treatment options. That's about to change. In the near future, women may have vaccines custom made for them to help their immune systems attack the cancer.