CancerInfo Center

Who's not Over-Diagnosing Prostate Cancer?
In the prostate cancer world these days, you hear the terms over-diagnosis and over-treatment  being thrown around a great deal. So just how aggressive are physicians in diagnosing the disease? Apparently, not very - at least in one area of the country.
Two Sisters Help Understand One Disease
It's well known that cancer can be passed between a donor and recipient during a transplant operation. One such exchange has actually advanced the scientific understanding of lymphoma.
Crystal Ball for Brain Tumors
Two drugs are used to treat glioblastoma multiforme ( GBM ), the worst and most common form of brain cancer. Many tumors don't respond well to these medications, however, and scientists are beginning to understand why.
Stem Cell Transplant Recipients Prone to Problems
Stem cell transplant patients may not only be at risk during treatment. A new study suggests that a decade later they are still more susceptible to psychological conditions and chronic illness.
Nonsense Fostered by the British Medical Journal
The British Medical Journal has recently published a study online suggesting that breast cancer screenings in the UK may cause more harm than good.
HER2 Doesn't Like Extra Lbs
Obesity has been a major topic at the 2011 CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Excess weight has been shown to be an aggravating factor on a number of fronts. Now, obesity is known to complicate the treatment of HER2-postive breast cancer.
Surveillance, Not Action, for Prostate Cancer?
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men next to skin cancer. Interestingly, though, not all men are treated for this disease immediately after diagnosis. And a panel advises this is as it should be.
Nipping Cancer Spread in the Bud
It's when cancer spreads that patients are in the greatest danger. Thinking out of the box, scientists have narrowed their sights on a protein that could help nip metastasis in the bud.
Obesity is a True Friend of Breast Cancer
Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases. This is especially true in the case of breast cancer. Researchers are showing that obesity complicates the course of disease.
Boosting Bone Density and Extending Lives
Postmenopausal breast cancer patients are often prescribed aromatase inhibitors after primary treatment to reduce the risks of disease recurrence. These drugs can cause bone density loss, though.