CancerInfo Center

Double Strikes Against Melanoma
Right now, there are not a lot of effective treatments of melanoma, an advanced and usually deadly form of skin cancer. However, an ongoing study shows exciting progress.
Drug Helps Prevent Breast Cancer
A drug currently being used to treat breast cancer has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease. The aromatase inhibitor, Aromasin (exemestane), helps post-menopausal women avoid breast cancer altogether.
Asian Cancer Survivers Live Longer than Caucasians
A new report says Asian patients live longer than Caucasian patients both before and after the treatment for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which is usually caused by smoking. A recent review of 35 years of studies indicates that during single, double or triple drug chemotherapy, Asians have a longer overall survival.
Drink Tea to Your Health
Scientists have long believed that green tea is more than just a tasty beverage. Green tea has been suspected of offering a number of health benefits ranging from help lowering cholesterol to fighting cancer and even assisting with heart problems.
Celebrating Life After Cancer
Today, more than 12 million cancer survivors are living in the United States. And the outlook for surviving the dreaded disease has never been better.
Processed Meats May Kill
In general, any kind of processed food is not your best choice to stay healthy.  Recently researchers confirmed the link between processed meats and colorectal cancer. So, what should we do?
Still Cinderella With HRT
Women with a form of genetic breast cancer risk are often urged to have their ovaries removed after childbearing to prevent cancer occurence. This unfortunately causes early menopause, and it was believed that taking hormone replacement therapy to alleviate symptoms was dangerous.
FDA Rules Mammography Still Best Screening Tool
There has been a tremendous amount of confusion about breast cancer screening in recent years. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ruled on one controversy - thermography vs. mammography.
Common Meds Don't Increase Cancer Risks
Terror, panic and worries raises blood pressure. And that's just what the millions of people in this country living with high blood pressure felt last year. Today, they can take a long sigh. 
UVA Myth Melts Down
UVA radiation doesn't cause sunburns, but can cause premature aging and as well as skin cancer. According to new research, only two out of five sunscreens tested currently available offer adequate UVA protection.