CancerInfo Center

Growing up Early with Sugar-Sweetened Drinks
Girls are becoming women at younger ages, and sugar-sweetened beverages might be playing a role.
Ovarian Problem May Have Other Health Effects
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertility have been well-known dance partners for many years. Now new evidence suggests that PCOS is also dancing with a lot of other chronic health issues.
Kicking Cancer by Kicking the Habit
Quitting smoking may benefit more than just the lungs of prostate cancer patients. It may improve the course of their treatment.
Breast Cancer: What Women Don’t Know
Breast cancer can be a mind-boggling diagnosis. Patients are often faced with questions about therapy, medication and recovery options at each turn. What women know and tell their doctors about their cancer may make a difference in treatment.
Birth Control Tied to Slight Health Risk
Hormonal birth control methods are a routine part of many women's lives. And new evidence has tied them to a surprising condition.
Treating Women’s Pain: Rose Oil, Yoga and Music
Women, when it comes to pain, don’t just grin and bear it. Plenty of treatments have been shown to work.
More Coffee, Less Skin Cancer
Wear sunscreen, stay inside during the hottest parts of the day and ... refill your cup of coffee? Sure enough, that fourth cup of joe has been tied to lower rates of an aggressive type of skin cancer.
Great Leaps in Leukemia Treatment
Cancer research has led to longer lives and better quality of life for millions of people. This year, the transformation of leukemia treatment has been singled out as the “Advance of the Year.”
Stand up for Your Health
Office workers and couch potatoes alike may need to stand up for their health — literally.
Vitamin D May Vanquish Colon Cancer
Mom's advice to take your vitamins could be right on target. Vitamin D — the “sunshine vitamin” — might help prevent colon cancer.