CancerInfo Center

Soaking in the Sun's Deadly Rays
Wear sunscreen, stay in the shade, avoid sun during the hottest part of the day: most people know the golden rules of keeping skin healthy and free from cancer. For people who have previously had melanoma, those rules are especially important.
Only the Brave Die Young
People typically aren't diagnosed with colorectal cancer in their 20s or 30s. Recommended screening doesn’t even start until age 50. But colorectal cancer is indeed increasing in younger folks, and these young patients may have a tough battle ahead.
Sparing the Knives and the Nodes
One of the first places breast cancer spreads is to the lymph nodes closest to the tumor. Learning where the cancer has spread is important for making treatment decisions. A new review looked at the risks and benefits of various surgical means of removing lymph nodes.
Breast Cancer by the Numbers
Every other year, the American Cancer Society publishes statistics and trends about breast cancer. Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2013-2014 offers some interesting insights into the current state of the disease.
Rx Prolongs Life...Without Pain
When cancer advances, the pain can be intense. A recently approved medicine may offer relief from both disease progression and pain.
Primary Care Doctor Visits Save Lives
Research has shown that screening cuts the incidence of colorectal cancer. And folks who visit their doctors regularly are more likely to learn about and be referred for colorectal cancer screening. Do these two facts save lives?
FDA Expands Use of Breast Cancer Rx
For the first time in its history, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved a medication for the pre-surgical (neoadjuvant) treatment of early-stage (I, II) breast cancer.
Intensifying Head and Neck Cancer Treatment
Giving chemotherapy at the same time as radiation therapy is called chemoradiation. It’s the standard of care for people who have head and neck cancers that have spread to nearby tissue. An analysis of previous studies has uncovered another option for these patients.
New Option for Advanced HER2 Breast Cancer
HER2 is a protein that can be overexpressed in breast cancer, causing an aggressive disease. While there are treatments that target HER2, this form of cancer is tenacious. Scientists have found a new treatment option for this type of breast cancer.
Radiation Type Treats Kids Gently
Radiation treatment is used to treat all different types of cancer. And there are different types of radiation that are given in various ways. Recently, researchers found a type of radiation that may be particularly helpful for young patients.