DementiaInfo Center
Heart Meds and Healthy Minds
Statins, a type of medication used to lower cholesterol, recently underwent some label changes. This caused some confusion about a potential association with cognition problems, including short-term memory loss.
When the Stress Goes to Your Head
Certain events in our lives can cause very high levels of stress. From deaths and divorce to losing a job, the stress of these events might last longer than we realize.
Are Fish and Nuts Really Brain Boosters?
There has been talk for years that certain "brain foods" might help fend off dementia. Nuts and fatty fish containing omega-3 fatty acids are two of these supposed "brain foods."
A Global Look at Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's disease, and other forms of dementia, are conditions that affect people all over the world. A new report took a closer look at the actual global impact of Alzheimer's.
Can Dementia Meds Delay Mild Mental Decline?
Adults are living longer lives, which means more people will be living with some level of mental decline. Can that decline be delayed?
Staying Fit to Fend off Illness
The risk for various health problems increases with age. But there are steps people can take to help minimize these risks, and exercise seems to be one of those steps.
An Infection-Cognition Connection
Many older adults deal with chronic health conditions as they age. And according to a new study, these chronic conditions often seem to be preceded by a single infection in elderly patients.
Dementia’s Taste for Blood Sugar
People with diabetes can have high levels of blood sugar. If this high blood sugar goes uncontrolled, patients may be at risk for a number of health problems, including mental health issues. But even in people without diabetes, high blood sugar may present some risks.
Teen Habits and Brain Health
Being mentally fit depends upon a number of factors. Some of that mental fitness is determined by genetics, some by daily choices and habits — good ones and bad.
Can a Cocoa a Day Keep Dementia at Bay?
A cup of hot cocoa sounds delightful during the cold days of winter. It might perk you right up like a cup of coffee. But does it make a difference to your brain?