DementiaInfo Center
Low BMI May Contribute to Alzheimer's
Maintaining a weight that is overly thin can contribute to health problems in much the same way that being obese can. More recently a low body mass index has also been linked to early stages of Alzheimer's disease.
Blood Pressure a Harbinger of Brain Problems
More recently doctors have told patients that ambulatory blood pressure monitoring may be a more accurate predictor of high blood pressure. It also may be the best predictor of cognitive decline and small vessel brain disease among older individuals.
Biology of Depression Linked to Dementia
From a biological level, severe depression and dementia in older adults look remarkably similar, psychiatrists have found. A new brain scan technique can pinpoint where protein deposits are accumulating.
Therapy Can Aid Dementia Caregivers With Depression
Family members who care for patients suffering from dementia are frequently under stress and are more at risk of suffering from depression. A specialized type of psychotherapy may help.
Boosting Memory in Alzheimer's Patients
Alzheimer's disease patients can have trouble remembering basics from the faces of loved ones to where they put something down. A medical food that has showed promise in trials could help with a memory boost.
Predicting Memory Problems
Hypertension, diabetes and smoking are known to increase your chances for stroke. A new study shows they can also be factors in developing cognitive problems later in life, even among patients who have never experienced a stroke.
The Diabetes Brain Drain
Diabetes can lead to a variety of complications, including kidney disease, foot amputations, and eye problems. Even the brain can be affected by diabetes.
Hypertension Drugs May Lower Alzheimer's Risk
Patients suffering from hypertension may be at an added benefit. Their blood pressure medication may help lower their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Dementia and Strokes do not mix
For stroke patients who have dementia the outcome may be worse. Dementia patients who have a stroke are more likely to suffer disability and less likely to return home.
Healthy GPS Shoes
It's not uncommon for patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease to become confused and wander off. New shoes with built-in GPS systems may help ensure that seniors with dementia can be tracked and safely brought home.