Eye DiseaseInfo Center
Hypertension and Diabetes Increase Glaucoma Risk
Coping with diabetes or hypertension alone can prove trying. But those same individuals also may be at an increased risk of developing glaucoma.
Gene Explains Night Blindness
Night blindness can be so debilitating that some sufferers struggle to drive after dark. The finding of a mutated gene that causes the vision loss in low-light environments explains how night vision is possible.
Genetic Link to Blinding Eye Disease Found
Genetic findings can often highlight certain populations that may be at a heightened disease risk. A gene mutation that can cause a blinding eye disease may be more likely to affect those of Jewish descent.
Preventing Vision Loss with Age
It can be alarming when your vision starts to decline with age. Unfortunately there hasn't been much you could do about it. A new method of predicting who is at risk might help with earlier treatment though.
Frequent Visits Suggested for Glaucoma Patients
Glaucoma doesn't progress overnight. It's usually a steady deterioration. That's why frequent visual field tests may aid in detecting progression of the disease sooner.
Monitoring Eye Degeneration at Home
In many cases vision loss is preventable if patients get regular eye exams. A new device will allow degenerative eye disease patients to better track vision changes, preventing unnecessary vision loss.
Fabry Disease Affects Spanish Patients Differently
A disease may not affect all populations in an equal manner. A recent study shows that Spanish patients with a rare genetic metabolic disease do not necessarily exhibit the same symptoms as those in other European countries.
New View of Vitamin C
Vitamin C has long been touted as a super antioxidant. Maybe you've even taken some at the first sign of cold. Now scientists are finding that vitamin C offers a surprising benefit.
Diet Can Affect Genetic Macular Degeneration
Gradual vision loss as a result of macular degeneration is primarily determined by genetics. Lifestyle and diet changes may slow the progression of the chronic eye disease or reduce the severity, according to a new study of identical twins.
Cause of Hereditary Blindness Potentially Discovered
Hereditary blindness, long a mystery in how or why it occurred, appears to be the result of a gene mutation. Scientists are now gaining a better understanding of the genetic disorder.