GlaucomaInfo Center
What Sleep Apnea May Mean for Your Eyes
Difficulty sleeping may not be the only problem associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A type of glaucoma may also be associated with this sleep disorder.
Follow-Up with Glaucoma
Patients with glaucoma may have a lot to gain from following up with their doctor on a regular basis. Follow-up visits provide doctors a chance to make sure that a patient's treatment is working, and it also gives patients a chance to ask their doctor questions.
From Cataract Surgery to Glaucoma
While surgery can improve the cloudy vision caused by pediatric cataracts, new research suggests it may also increase a child's risk for another eye disease called glaucoma.
Seeing a Doctor to See Better
Having trouble seeing, or visual impairment, is a very common problem in the United States. Among older people, visual impairment is even more common. Fortunately, for many, the solution may be very simple: go and see a doctor.
Seniors Dance Their Way to Better Balance
Finding ways to keep the elderly moving and feeling independent can be challenging. Dance lessons with a partner can be a fun and safe way to help the elderly stay active.
Your Eyes Are the Prize: Get Tested
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the US, and it most often occurs in people over age 40. Early treatment, however, can save your sight.
Eyes Dimmed by Diabetes?
Some eye problems can be corrected with glasses while others cannot. According to a recent study, vision problems that cannot be fixed by glasses may be on the rise and could be linked to growing diabetes rates.
Seeing Better on Cholesterol Meds
Over 2.7 million people over 40 years old in the U.S. are affected by glaucoma. New research findings may offer a way those predisposed to the disease can reduce their risk.
Vision Loss Not Tied to Aging
The National Eye Institute is gearing up for the May kick off of Healthy Vision Month by reminding, that while vision may change with age, vision loss is not a normal part of the aging process.
Rethinking Glaucoma: Really a Brain Disorder?
When most people think of glaucoma, they think "eye disease." However, doctors are rethinking that categorization, instead suggesting the disorder may be brain-related.