Menopause Hormone ReplacementInfo Center
The Genetics of Menopause
Women who have mutations in the BRCA genes are at higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Research has suggested that women with these altered genes may also have problems conceiving children and that they go through menopause earlier than women without the defective genes.
Pregnancy, High Blood Pressure and Menopause
High blood pressure and menopause can both put women at potential risk for heart disease. It's possible that having high blood pressure while pregnant can affect the severity of menopause.
Can Hormone Therapy Prevent Chronic Illness?
Hormone replacement therapy is often considered for treatment of menopause symptoms. Could it potentially treat more serious conditions?
Menopause, Hot Flashes and Heart Problems
Estrogen — a hormone used to treat symptoms of menopause — has been shown to increase the risk for certain cancers. But other questions about the safety of estrogen therapy remain. For example, is it safe for the heart?
Maintaining Sexual Health After Menopause
A woman's body undergoes a wide range of changes when she begins menopause. Without treatment, some of these changes may influence her quality of life.
Some Hormone Therapies May Be Less Risky
To treat severe hot flashes and other menopause symptoms, women may receive hormone replacement therapy. Some approaches, however, may pose lower heart risks than others.
Menopause Is Not a Disease
Every woman will experience menopause. However, the public, doctors and even women themselves often view menopause as a disability.
How Does HIV Affect Menopause?
Recent advances in HIV treatment have allowed more HIV-infected women to live through and past menopause. But not much is known about the effects of HIV on menopause.
HRT-Related Breast Cancer Risks Vary
In the late 1990s, medicines that helped women with menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, were widely prescribed. That changed in 2003 after a large study found that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increased breast cancer risks.
Replacing Hormones after Hysterectomy
After a woman goes through a hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus), she may benefit from estrogen therapy. The estrogen hormone has been shown to lower the risk of a number of health problems in women.