Mens HealthInfo Center
You Can Smile About These Healthy Tips
Proper care of your teeth and gums promotes dental health and lowers your risk for dental issues like tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss, among others.
New Weight Loss Device Gets Green Light
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a novel prescription weight management device.
What You Need to Know Before Surgery
If you are scheduled for surgery that requires anesthesia, here's what you need to know about how to best prepare for your procedure.
Take a Look at Your Eye Health
We know to brush and floss to keep our teeth in tip-top shape and to eat right and work in some cardio at the gym for our heart's sake. But what about our eyes?
Is Asthma Holding You Back?
In the United States, an estimated 15.4 million people are treated for asthma each year. This places an enormous burden on both individual patients and the US economy.
Eye-Opening Tips for Vision Health
Our eyes are the windows to the world. We only get one pair, so it's important to keep them in good health.
Caring for Your Contacts
Cleaning contact lenses incorrectly could have negative consequences for your health and vision.
FDA: Company Illegally Marketed Genetic Test
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning letter to a genomics lab for illegally marketing a genetic test.
Breast Cancer Rx Now Approved for Men
A breast cancer medication that was previously approved for women can now be used to treat men with advanced breast cancer.
Protect Yourself from Tetanus
Tetanus is dangerous. It’s also preventable.