Mental HealthInfo Center

When Romeo and Juliet Are Real Life
Few events are more tragic for a school to manage than a student's suicide. Talking to students about the death appropriately, however, might prevent additional suicides at the school.
What's Keeping COPD Patients Down?
People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) suffer from depression more often than others. As depression can worsen the health status of COPD patients, it's important to know which patients are most at risk.
Hyperactive Now, Obese Later?
It is challenging enough to manage a mental or developmental disorder such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But there may be long-term consequences to manage as well.
Pints Before Puberty Makes Risky Adults
Teens that start drinking before their bodies finish developing may wind up with a few bad drinking habits later in life. It’s no wonder there are laws prohibiting teens from drinking.
Smoke Makes Boozers Cloudy
Smoking can make people look like an older person, but can it make people think like an older person? Alcoholics that also smoke may be prematurely aging their brains.  
College Girls Out-Boozing Boys
Men and women are equal at many tasks, but drinking may not be among them. Too many college girls have been trying to keep up with the boys when it comes to drinking.
Care After Cancer
People who go through the cancer adventure aren’t sissies – that’s for sure. No, they are the strong ones here to live and laugh another day. Thing is, cancer and its treatments leave their marks.
A Close Look at Kids' Mental Health
So many studies report statistics on kids' mental health that it can be hard to keep track of what the rates really are. Now all that information has been pulled together in one place.
Stroke Risk Doubles in Depressed Women
Maintaining good mental health has been shown to protect cardiovascular health. For middle-aged women, controlling depression may play a key role in preventing stroke.
Get Moving for the Fun of It
A bit of pick up basketball, a jog through the park, an half hour on the elliptical at the gym...physical activity throughout the week can add up. And it may be linked to mental health.