Mental HealthInfo Center
Managing Stress to Break Bad Habits
Stress is an everyday part of life, but could it be hurting you more than you know? If you are trying to break a bad habit, especially an addiction, the answer may be yes.
Is Quitting Harder for Women?
Previous claims that women have a tougher time quitting smoking may not be true. It is possible that men and women have trouble with different aspects of quitting smoking.
Marijuana & Anxiety
The human brain is still in a state of rapid development during the teen years. Can using marijuana disrupt normal brain growth? A recent study followed a group of teens for 15 years to see how marijuana affected their mental health.
Popcorn, Factory Workers and Dementia?
Beta amyloid is linked to brain cell death in Alzheimer’s disease. And recent lab studies found that a common food chemical may enhance its harmful effects.
Smile! It is Good for Your Heart
Laughter is the best medicine, it is said, and smiling is good for the soul, but are there real physical health benefits to the act of smiling?
Cigarettes May Worsen Arthritis
Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are two vices that can take a toll on your health in a variety of ways. More specifically, these habits may worsen certain types of arthritis.
Long-time Depression Linked to Bipolar Disorder
The lows of bipolar disorder are much like depression, but are they related? A recent study found that long-time depression can change to bipolar for some people.
Using Tobacco: One Way or Another
Cigarette prices jumped and cigarette smoking declined. This did not mean people were using less tobacco products though. Cigar and pipe tobacco sales have skyrocketed.
A New Intervention for Domestic Violence?
Could intimate partner violence be helped through better communication skills? The research team at the Center for Couples Therapy in Houston thinks so.
Teen Steroid Abuse
Steroid abuse is always bad, but for teens the damage can be more serious and last longer. Steroids can change the way an adolescent’s brain develops and vital organs function.