Mental HealthInfo Center
Why are Headaches Common After Brain Injury?
It seems obvious that headaches would persist after a traumatic brain injury. Curiously, headaches appear to be more common after a mild traumatic brain injury compared to more severe injuries.
Quitting Smoking Priorities for Veterans
Veterans with a physical illness or injury are more likely to be told, ‘it’s time to quit smoking,’ than veterans with mental health disorders. All veterans need help to quit smoking.
Mental Health Problems With Diabetes?
Many are aware that managing diabetes is a physical health challenge, but it turns out that diabetics may also be more likely to struggle with psychiatric problems.
Has Medical Marijuana Increased Usage?
Does easier access to marijuana mean higher rates of use and abuse? Or does a community’s attitude have more to do with people smoking weed?
The Migraine Treatment No One is Suggesting
Despite demonstrated evidence-based effectiveness, a new survey revealed that few migraine treatment specialists suggest that their patients try biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy or relaxation training.
Tai Chi for the Soul, Body and Mind
You've seen them in parks or in films: rows of older men and women moving through the slow, graceful movements of tai chi. And it may be more than their bodies that they are improving.
Relapse Prevention is Your Best Bet
A new argument is being made asserting that continual treatment of addicts could actually lower their overall healthcare costs in the long run, despite the sometimes heavy cost of continual treatment.
Does Pollen Make Bipolar Depression Worse?
Do allergic reactions affect bipolar depression? Could an immune reaction to pollen compromise one's mental health?
A Boxing Match in the Sack?
A little unconscious kick or punch from a partner during sleep isn't too bad, but if nighttime feels like a boxing match, a rare and serious sleep disorder may be to blame.
Are You Happy Because You Buy?
After making a purchase, a person may experience a range of emotions because the purchase has an affect on their overall life-satisfaction. What impacts overall life-satisfaction more is the motivation or reason behind the purchase.