Mental HealthInfo Center
eIntervene with a Friend
If you're contemplating an eHealth intervention, new research suggests you're better off doing it with a friend.
Fear of Losing job Leads to Poorer Performance
A recently published study by The Spanish Journal of Psychology suggests that the more a person fears they will lose their job, the worse they will perform. But, as the study suggests, not all working groups react equally to the same fear.
Pot’s Addictive – Just Add Tobacco
Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in the United States, and while most do not become dependent, a new study suggests adding tobacco to cannabis smoking makes it easier.
We all Scream for Ice Cream
Suspicions have been confirmed: ice cream is addictive! Well, maybe not. But highly rewarding foods such as ice cream and chocolate stimulate the brain and cause addictive-like neural changes.
Secondhand Smoke Causes Transplant Rejection
In a recent study presented by the American Journal of Transplantation , researchers found that mice that were exposed to secondhand smoke ( SHS ) four weeks before receiving a graft transplant rejected the treatment.
Autism Symptoms Aren't Color-blind
Various medical diseases sometimes differ in the way their symptoms and levels of severity show up in different ethnicities. It appears that autism may be such a condition.
If Dad Ain't Happy, Nobody's Happy
Scientists knew that depressed moms can have a negative impact on their kids, but now it seems that depressed dads have a major impact on the health and wellbeing of their children as well.
Arachnophobia Smerachnophobia
Fear is the emotional response to perceived threats, of course. Some fears are logical, while others are very irrational. We all have them, but why? Your fears may alter your perception more than you think.
Toddler Makes You Mad? Take a Chill Pill
Toddlers are known to test the boundaries of their new world, often testing parents in the process. It is easy to feel angry at bad behavior, but be careful because too strong of a reaction could make things worse.
Stress Makes You Age Faster
Stress has many effects on the human body. Some are immediate, other effects are hidden and have lasting implications. But just how unhealthy is stress? A new study suggests that it can actually make you age faster.