Mental HealthInfo Center
How to Keep Your Mind Sharp
Vitamin D has received a great deal of attention lately. It's been demonstrated to aid in a number of conditions. Scientists have found that it may also help ward off dementia.
Crossing Guard For ADHD Kids!
"Hold hands and look both ways before crossing the street", is a common phrase. For children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), moms need to insert, "Make sure there are no cars coming before crossing the street."
Binge Drinking Not A Result Of Post-Traumatic Stress
Some people feel pain and express that pain, while others try their hardest to hide it. Alcohol is a common substance used to mask feelings, but does everyone use it to cope?
Nursing Home Falls Linked to Antidepressants
Depression is a very common diagnosis among the elderly, and nearly 1.6 million nursing home residents take some type of antidepressant. Unfortunately, some of these drugs seem to lead to an increased risk for falling.
Quality of Life Suffers for ADHD Children
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can negatively impact so many areas of a child's life - and that of his or her family. And the more severe the disorder, the more the quality of life suffers.
Identifying Autism Earlier
The causes of autism are still not understood, and up until now diagnoses of autistic children have been made based on behavioral symptoms. This meant a diagnosis was only made after age three or four.
Grape Antioxidants Could Prevent Alzheimer's
For all wine lovers, add to the list one more benefit to drinking red wine in moderation: its ability to fight Alzheimer's Disease. The natural antioxidant found in grape seeds, and highly present in red wine, may protect against dementia such as Alzheimer's.
Premature Babies at Risk for Psychiatric Disorders
Babies who are born prematurely are at higher risk for many medical problems, including brain injuries. And when infants are born with brain injuries, it puts them at higher risk for developing psychiatric disorders in adolescence.
Pain Meds Are Not For Child's Play
There are all sorts of over-the-counter and prescription pain medications available today. Misuse of prescribed opioids can cause serious problems, though - especially when overuse begins in youth.
Natural PMS Relief
If you're a woman, you know those days before the flow can be difficult, even hellish, for you - and those around you. Do not despair, nature has a remedy that's now clinically proven to work.