Mental HealthInfo Center
Traffic Deaths Tied to Alcohol May Be Underreported
The dangers of drunk driving are widely known. But are statistics about deaths from this dangerous activity accurate?
Exposure to Tobacco Smoke May Contribute to Allergies
More than a third of children in the United States live with a tobacco smoker, and allergic diseases are becoming increasingly common among children. Could there be a connection?
Weighing the Risk of Breast Cancer from Smoking
Smoking increases the risk of getting many kinds of cancers. In the case of breast cancer, smoking combined with other factors can make that risk much greater.
Unclear if Behaviorial Interventions Can Curb Teen Drug Use
About one out of 10 teenagers uses illegal drugs or pharmaceutical medications for nonmedical purposes. And health professionals aren't sure what the solution to this public health problem is.
Hormone may Help Anorexia Patients' Perceptions
People with eating disorders often have social difficulties, as well. One hormone may improve how people with anorexia perceive the world around them.
Critical Illness Linked to Psychiatric Diagnosis
Doctors need to understand their patients' complete health history in order to treat them correctly. In patients with life-threatening conditions, even mental health history could be essential to ensuring a positive outcome.
Connecting the Dots with Media and Well-Being
Limiting children's use of television is already one recommendation that pediatricians emphasize to parents. But what might it mean if kids use too much TV, computers or video games?
Trouble Breathing Linked to Trouble Thinking for Seniors
For seniors, having difficulty breathing could be a sign that other medical problems are on the horizon — problems like a decline in memory and thinking abilities.
Teens Driving Drunk after Riding with Drunk Drivers
It's important to teach teens not to drive while under the influence. But there may be risk factors parents can watch for in doing so.
Looking Closer at ADHD and Obesity
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be well known, but there is still a great deal that scientists don't know about it.