Patient Safety EducationInfo Center

Lasting Effects of Post Surgery Pain Care
Pain medications, like opioid painkillers and NSAIDs , are often prescribed after minor surgery. The short-term benefits of good pain management are well-known. Short-term use may, however, be linked to long-term use.
A Closer Look at Breastfeeding Habits
Official medical recommendations are to breastfeed babies exclusively for a baby's first six months, but is this too lofty a goal for some women? What happens when reality meets idealism?
Grapefruit can Cause Unintended Effects
Grapefruit is a wonderfully healthy food, providing people with a rich source of vitamin C. However, compounds found in this fruit that can lead to potentially serious outcomes.
Coffee Helps Travelers Stay Alert
Driving can be a real drag, but many people keep their mind focused with a hot cup of java. A recent study defends this intuitive decision by savvy travelers.
Don't Take More of What You Don't Need
Before popping a multi-vitamin, you might check the label to see how much selenium it has. Too much of this beneficial mineral can cause health problems, and you may already get enough.
Doctors and Moms Need to Chat
Giving birth between 22 and 26 weeks can involve painful decisions, given the various risks to the baby, which has about a 50 percent chance of survival.
Teen Athletes Aren't Always Hard-Headed
It may be tempting to knock your teen upside the head sometimes, but it turns out a head injury might cause more problems in adolescents than in adults.
Vegetarians: Are Your Meds Animal-Free?
Do your beliefs prevent you from eating animal products like pork? If so, you may want to be sure your medications don't contain similar products that violate your dietary restrictions.
Fever Seizure Risk Low After Vaccination
Parents concerned about multiple-vaccine shots can rest easier knowing shows one common combination shot is as safe as single vaccines and safer than skipping the vaccine altogether.
Classes for Your Kidney Transplant
Certain populations, such as African Americans, are less likely than whites to get a kidney transplant when they need it. This may be happening because patients do not know about the entire transplant process.