Ulcerative ColitisInfo Center
Smoke Damage Hits Low and Long
Damage from smoking can creep below our lungs. Our stomachs can hurt, the pain can spread into the colon, and the pain can stay even if we quit.
Affected On the Out and In
What happens on the outside can affect us on the inside. And it happens both ways, specifically among patients with psoriasis and inflammatory bowel diseases.
When Sticks And Stones Can Break Your Bones
Loss of bone mass with age is normal but can be dangerous if it occurs too quickly or prematurely. Low bone mass results in weak bones that have a higher chance of fracture.
Radiating Health with Digestive Issues?
For people suffering from digestive disorders, medical testing and scans can become a regular practice as doctors attempt to evaluate and diagnose the nature of their problems.
Are IBD Drugs Safe During Pregnancy?
When you're pregnant, you try to avoid putting any unnecessary chemicals into your body. But what if you're an expectant mom with inflammatory bowel disease – is it safe to take your meds?
Calming the Cancer of Inflammation
Inflammatory bowel diseases ( IBD ) such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are major risk factors for colorectal cancer. Why? Because these diseases cause constant inflammation - something cancer thrives on.
What is Fungus Doing in Your Body?
You probably don't think too deeply about what's in your gut at any given moment. But it's home to a wild and diverse community of microbes, and now - fungi.
FDA Focus on TNF Blockers
A class of drugs is now under suspicion of causing cancer in children, adolescents and young adults under the age of 30. These are called Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) blockers, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released an update regarding its ongoing safety review of these drugs.
The Molecule of Many Diseases
It is good news when researchers gain a little more knowledge about the development of one disease. It is even better news when that little bit of knowledge applies to a whole group of diseases.
Antibiotics May Rough up Your Gut
If you get a bacterial infection, you may need to take some heavy antibiotics. Beware, though… it is possible that those antibiotics may be a contributing factor for developing bowel disease.