Womens HealthInfo Center
No Need to Overtest
Sure, if a woman has a high risk from family history and tests positive for a mutated gene, preventive measures are good. But excessive testing may be unnecessary for everyone else.
Mother’s Age May Impact Breast Cancer Risks
Younger women are more prone to what’s known as triple-negative breast cancer. There aren’t any good treatments for this very bad cancer. Delaying childbirth and breastfeeding, though, may be ways to ward it off.
Osteoporosis Screening - Answer or Problem?
Osteoporosis is a major cause of bone fractures, but not all women are being screened for it. This leaves many women at greater risk for broken bones, especially as they age.
Childhood Abuse Linked to Adult Asthma
Stress from abuse as a child can affect people when they become adults. A new study found that childhood abuse can contribute to developing asthma and may trigger adult asthma as well.
Pregnancy - a Snapshot of Later Health
Pregnancy is a great time to see how well your body does under stress. Some women get hypertension when they're pregnant. These women have a greater chance of having it again.
Different Ovarian Tumor Types
Chin up, ladies. Don’t let those long and scary pathology words get you down. The type of cell found in an ovarian tumor doesn’t necessarily predict the outcome.
HPV Just Won't Go Away
Teenage girls have been targets of HPV campaigns over the last several years. But older women should be the focus as well, especially as repeat cases pop up in those already infected.
Cancer Coping with Mindful Art Therapy
The body and mind go hand-in-hand. Coping and managing stress are essential to beating disease and coming out on top. Mindful practices and artful expression may help.
Quitters can Fight Off Weight Gain
Fear of weight gain is a common excuse given by many people as a reason why they don't want to quit smoking. But quitting smoking is vital for a healthy future. Maybe a drug used for alcoholism treatment can help?
Blood's Gone Hormonal
For most women, taking birth control pills is generally safe, and may even provide some protective benefits. However, there is a known risk that "the pill" can cause blood clots, especially in smokers. Is there an impact on women with an ovarian condition?