Womens HealthInfo Center

Psoriasis 101
It's August, which means it's National Psoriasis Awareness Month. Are you in the know about this common skin condition?
Is Your Water Bottle Really BPA-Free?
That reusable BPA-free water bottle may need to take a trip through the dishwasher to actually be free of BPA.
Symptoms Women Shouldn't Ignore
Although women are more likely to visit their doctor than men, many women may be ignoring important signs and symptoms. Read on for a look at six health symptoms women may overlook.
Kidney Stone Prevention
Kidney stones may be small, but they can pack a lot of pain. Read on to find out how you can reduce your chance of developing kidney stones.
Do You Tell Your Doctor the Truth?
If you don't give an honest answer when your doctor asks you how much you exercise, you're not alone. Many people don't tell the truth to their doctors, according to a new study.
Beauty Products and Mercury
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning about using beauty products that contain mercury.
Coping with Winter Allergies
It’s getting chilly out and, just like clockwork, you’re back sniffling again. But before you write off that stuffy nose as just another cold, you may want to consider that the culprit could actually be winter allergies.
Concussions: What Are the Risks?
Concussions are more than just a blow to the head. They can have serious short- and long-term effects.
Working in the Cold: What You Need to Know
It's wintertime again — when temperatures take a dive. But don't let your health take a dive, too.
The Answers to Your Breastfeeding Questions
Aug. 1 through 7 is World Breastfeeding Week — the perfect time to learn a little more about breastfeeding.