Health News
Adderall: The Troubling Trends
More young adults are experimenting with the prescription drug Adderall, which is commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), than ever before. And that could be a big problem.
Programs to Quit Smoking: Compared
Looking to kick the habit? If so, there are plenty of support programs out there designed to help you quit. And a few of them have just been compared for the first time.
How 'No Smoking' Signs Help Your Health
For nonsmokers, "No Smoking" signs may fade into the background. But those little signs might make a big difference in their health.
To Kick the Habit, Compare Your Options
Ready to quit smoking? If so, there are a lot of helpful options out there and they've just been compared for the first time.
E-Cigs: A Gateway to Teen Smoking?
Are electronic cigarettes a gateway to the real thing? New evidence suggests that, for teens, they could be.
Diabetes: How Teen Stress Could Predict Adult Risk
Many people believe that a positive mindset can help them overcome disease. New evidence suggests that the power of the mind-body connection may not only be real, it may also be a two-way street.

5 Nicotine Replacement Therapies
It’s no secret that smoking is bad for you, but quitting is often easier said than done.
On World AIDS Day, CDC Urges HIV Prevention Pill
Dec. 1 is World AIDS Day. And this year's theme is "The Time to Act Is Now."
First Anti-Overdose Nasal Spray Gets Green Light
The FDA just approved a first-of-its-kind medication that could cause a blow to one of the leading causes of death in the US.
Why Snuff May Be More Toxic Than Smokes
If you think chewing or dipping tobacco is safer than smoking, you may want to think again.