Health News
Don't Overdo the Gameday Drinking
A once-in-a-lifetime play or winning touchdown during the Super Bowl is enough to make any fan celebrate. Many fans may channel that excitement into celebratory drinking, which can quickly get out of hand.
Drinking in Middle Age: Keep It Light
While drinking isn't all bad when it comes to your health, going overboard can be a problem. Too much alcohol in middle age may have some serious health effects.
Super Bowl Safety: Gameday Drinking
"Fans don’t let fans drive drunk." That modification of the familiar quote comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA). And it's a timely reminder with Super Bowl XLIX coming up.

The Science Behind Hangovers
There’s no more certain way to immediately recall a night of drinking to excess than the pounding headache you’re greeted with the next morning. It’s called a hangover, and it’s much more complex than it feels.
How Your Drinking Patterns May Affect Your Liver
Drinking too much can be unhealthy for the liver, but taking a break may help. Daily drinking may increase cirrhosis risk, and for those who do drink, wine may be the least damaging option.
What a Daily Drink Might Do for Your Heart
That nightcap or glass of wine with dinner may be doing more than just relaxing you at the end of a long day. It could be boosting your heart health.
How Overtime Can Affect Your Drinking Habits
Logging extra long hours at work might frustrate friends and family and limit free time, but can it also drive some people to drink?
Communities Could Curb Binge Drinking
Just after the revelry of New Year's Eve, some sobering news came to light about alcohol consumption in the US. Experts are stressing the importance of community efforts to curb binge drinking.
Are There Cures for Hangovers?
After the last drops of New Year's Eve champagne have been drunk, some revelers may be in a less-than-happy mood when they wake up with a hangover. Unfortunately, there is no magic cure for hangovers — it's really just about not drinking too much and staying hydrated.
Beware the Binge: Drinking May Slow Immune System
You may want to take it slow at that New Year's Eve party. Turning that New Year's drink or two into too many in a short time may lead to injuries and sabotage the body's ability to heal.