Health News
Smoking Plus Drinking: A Cancerous Mix for the Esophagus
Drinking alcohol and smoking are often vices that go together. That combination of vices also may also except when discussing the risk for esophageal cancer.
Deadly Consequences of Heavy Drinking Were Greater for Women
Many people like to relax after work with a drink or two. But for women, having a few too many can be a dangerous thing.
Smoking, Drinking and Body Posture
For some people, smoking and drinking go hand-in-hand. Those habits, however, may affect individuals’ ability to stand up or keep from falling down.
Drinking Habits Varied After Weight Loss Surgery
Previous research has suggested that people who have surgery to lose weight tend to drink more alcohol after the surgery, but new research suggests this may not be true.
Traffic Deaths Tied to Alcohol May Be Underreported
The dangers of drunk driving are widely known. But are statistics about deaths from this dangerous activity accurate?
Teens Driving Drunk after Riding with Drunk Drivers
It's important to teach teens not to drive while under the influence. But there may be risk factors parents can watch for in doing so.
Binge Drinking Poses Risks Even for Moderate Drinkers
Binge drinking is a known health problem among heavy drinkers. Even people who drink less may face serious risks from episodes of heavy drinking.
Rx Helps Heavy Drinkers Drink Less
For heavy drinkers, abstaining from alcohol is a tough goal. Topiramate, a new drug, may reduce heavy drinking in people with a certain gene variation associated with alcohol dependence.

Food and Drink that Disrupt Sleep
Trouble sleeping? Your diet may be the culprit.

Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Binge drinking, especially over the course of several years, can come with severe health consequences. Here’s a list of some of the consequences of drinking too much alcohol.