Health News
Women Benefited from Radiotherapy after Mastectomy
Mastectomy surgery often includes the removal of cancerous lymph nodes under the arm. One common therapy after this procedure might improve recovery.
Vitamin D Associated with Improved Breast Cancer Survival Odds
Many women who have faced breast cancer also face decreased odds of survival. Increasing concentrations of a vitamin in the blood might change those odds.
Yoga Helped Women With Breast Cancer Feel Better
Yoga isn’t just a good exercise for healthy people; research suggests it may have positive effects for certain cancer patients as well.
Removing Ovaries May Help Save Lives
Many young women today don’t worry too much about how old they will be when they have children. But for women with the gene for breast cancer, waiting to decide might have dire consequences.
Healthy Diet for Breast Cancer Survivors Increased Survival
A woman diagnosed with breast cancer has a 90 percent chance of surviving five years, but long-term survival depends on many factors. A healthy diet may be one of those factors.
Rising Rates of Rebuilding Breasts After Mastectomy
For some women with breast cancer, a procedure to remove a breast might be a part of treatment. New research explored how many of these women undergo reconstructive surgeries after these procedures.
Preventative Mastectomy: Odds Might Pay Off
When faced with breast cancer in one breast, some women carrying the breast cancer gene have elected to have the other breast removed, too. Does this decision increase their odds of survival?

Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
There are many health benefits to being a physically active person. Here’s a list from what you might gain from developing an exercise routine.
Mammograms Might Not Reduce Deaths Says Study
If you get an annual mammogram, you are reducing your risk of dying from breast cancer, right? Maybe not, say the authors of a new study challenging this assumption.
Young Women's Breast Cancer Risks Up in Smoke
There are so many diseases and health conditions associated with smoking; the habit is addictive and deadly. Researchers may have added yet another disease to this growing list.