Health News
Breast Conserving Surgeries not so Conservative
Partial mastectomies, also known as lumpectomies and breast-conserving therapy, are popular surgical choices for women with early stage breast cancers. A good chunk of these women, though, will go under the knife again.
Proteins in Psoriasis, Breast Cancer Linked
Research into treating breast cancer may have also stumbled onto a way to treat psoriasis. The two conditions share a protein that, if blocked, may reduce the intensity of both diseases.
Women With Breast Cancer Often Don't Know
Breast cancer is a complicated disease that shows up differently in every woman - and man. And women should be involved in the decision making process, but they simply can't.
Sparing the Scalpel in Lymph Node Biopsies
Breast cancer patients have sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsies to determine if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. This is a surgical procedure and has its risks. A new method being investigated may not require a scalpel.
Statins May Keep Breast Cancer at Bay
Years ago, cholesterol-lowering statin medications were thought to possibly cause cancer, bur large clinical trials disproved that therapy. Now, it seems these drugs may actually do just the opposite.
A One-Two Punch Knocks HER2 Out
Cancer researchers are doing more with existing drugs - looking for other applications of some and combining therapies. A combination cocktail seems to work well with HER2-positive breast cancer.
Can a Study of a Million Women be Wrong?
It used to be standard practice: a woman stopped having her menstrual cycles and she went on hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ) to relieve symptoms of menopause.
That practice was abruptly halted in 2002 when part of a large study - the Women's Health Initiative - was stopped because of a reported link between HRT and increased incidence of breast cancer.
Another even larger study in England - the Million Women Study - reached the same conclusions and also announced that HRT increased a postmenopausal woman's risk of developing breast cancer.
A recent review is now questioning ...
Do Deodorants Cause Breast Cancer?
If you use deodorant or cosmetics, you've been exposed to parabens . This preservative is used in a number of products, including pharmaceuticals and even some foods. So are these chemicals linked to cancer - particularly breast cancer?
How Obesity Weighs on Cancer Screenings
Does obesity play a role in whether or not people undergo various types of cancer screening? The simple answer is "yes." The more nuanced answer says it depends on the individual's gender, race and type of cancer screening.
At Last - Possible Therapy for Brain Metastasis
Progress is being made on most oncology fronts. Unfortunately, brain metastasis remains something medicine hasn't touched in an effective way. Researchers may have found a new opening in resolving the greatest challenge women with advanced breast cancer face.