Health News
Even a Little Early is Too Early
Extremely premature birth is linked to difficulties with thinking and motor skills. But researchers are still learning what it means even if children are born only a few weeks early.
Activity Each Day Keeps Fractures at Bay
It's been debated whether to spread exercise out over the course of the week or spend the same time exercising over fewer days. Children's bone development could benefit from the former.
Should New Moms Take Anti-depressants?
Deciding whether to take medication while pregnant can be a tough decision. It becomes tougher when the risks and benefits are not always clear, such as with mental health medications.
What Difference Does Vitamin D Make?
Women might think that not having enough of certain vitamins during pregnancy can hurt their developing child. That may be true sometimes, but not always.
One Less Worry for Preterm Babies
Babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy are considered preterm babies. Being born early can put babies at a higher risk for a variety of medical conditions.
When Mom or Dad Is in Prison
Having a parent in prison can mean hardships for the entire family. But those challenges may not go away when the parent is released. There may be long-term consequences for the kids.
Better on Time than Extremely Early
Advances in prenatal medicine have meant doctors can save babies more often when they are born extremely early, such as halfway through a pregnancy. But medicine can only do so much.
Pacifier Use May Not Reduce Breastfeeding
Hospitals can be designated as "Baby-Friendly" if they put in place ten steps to encourage breastfeeding. One of these steps is not regularly handing out pacifiers.
Breast is Best – but Not to Stop Obesity
When it comes to feeding your baby, it's hard to beat breast milk. A mother's milk provides a baby all the nutrients needed and is linked to various beneficial health outcomes later in life.
C-Sections and Sneezes
Following a rising trend, almost a third of all births in the United States are through caesarian section, or C-section. In many cases, these C-sections are medically necessary.