Health News

A Smile's Positive Effect
A smile comes naturally when we are feeling good. But what is the science behind this automatic expression of joy? How is smiling received in another person? How does it effect our physical health? How can it effect the wellbeing of others who weren't even directly exposed to it?
Do Vaccine Exemptions Make Sense?
Vaccines have commonly been considered victims of their own success. Parents no longer see the disease outbreaks, so they lose sight of vaccines' importance.
Get Enough Iodine Mom, But...
Pregnant women need enough iodine for their baby's brain to develop well. But too much iodine can backfire by interrupting normal hormone production.
Do All Kids Act Like That?
Your toddler refuses to move. Every shopper can hear his screams, and your face burns as you struggle to pull him outside away from judgmental eyes. Is this really normal?
What About the Children?
Sex! Violence! Drugs! Alcohol! Bullying! Pregnancy! Parenting can feel like a minefield at times, and a recent national poll reveals how important all these child health issues are to adults across the U.S.
My Bacteria Is Better Than Yours
Everyone's got billions of little critters hanging out in their gut. They're helpful little critters — they aid the digestive and immune systems. But what you eat changes what they are.
No Money Might Make It Harder To Learn
When Oliver Twist asked for more porridge, he may have wanted to ask for more help with school work too. He may need it.
30-Minutes A Day Will Do It
Who has the time to workout these days? Apparently, it just takes 30-minutes a day, every day to lose a little weight and get healthier.
Older Moms' Kids Healthier, Smarter
Most people have heard that it can be more risky to have children after age 35. However, these concerns usually relate to birth complications and not to the children's development.
Antibiotics Linked to Kids' Weight
It's tempting to think that medicine, like antibiotics, can only help people recover from illness. But researchers are still learning about other possible effects of antibiotic use.