Health News

Better Sleep for Leaner Kids
Helping an obese child lose weight can do more than reduce playground teasing. It could also reduce a child's likelihood of having sleep apnea or metabolic syndrome.
Mother’s Loss May Affect Infant
When a mother experiences a traumatic loss, her behavior toward and around her infant may interfere healthy development.  New research may offer moms and their babies help through a loss.
Air Pollution and Asthma Don't Mix
Pregnant moms, listen up: Stay away from areas with high air pollution. It can hurt your growing baby, especially if your child develops asthma.
If It's "Just Right," Babies Will Learn
Goldilocks Baby tried the calculus problem but thought "Too hard!" She tried picking up a block. "Too easy!" She settled on putting rings on a post. "Just right!" And so babies learn.
Graduate Kids Sooner to Lidless Cups
What hazards lurk around the home for your baby or toddler? Some of them may be the very items you bought for your child, such as pacifiers, bottles and sippy cups.
New Detection Tool for Autism
Early detection of autism is important because intervening early can increase the odds that children will succeed. New research shows that some warning signs at 6 months of age may help in early detection of autism.
How Good are Early Detection Methods for Autism
Early diagnosis can give parents access to interventions and treatments to improve outcomes for children with autism. How young an age can doctors be sure of a diagnosis, and are incorrect diagnoses harmful?
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure & Adaptive Ability
Exactly how does prenatal alcohol exposure slow down a kid’s cognitive ability? Compared to normal kids, they seem to have a much tougher time with ‘higher order’ thought process.
Boys Will Be Boys - But Why?
If boys will be boys, that's generally because of the testosterone coursing through their bodies, but how much of this testosterone results from the environment and how much is genetic?
To Wait or Not to Wait
Once a woman reaches full term in her pregnancy, it can be hard not to wish the baby would arrive already. Fortunately, choosing to be induced is no riskier than waiting for labor.