Health News
Progesterone: No Help for Recurrent Miscarriage
In the search for an effective treatment for recurrent miscarriage, one option appears to have fallen short.
Uterus Transplant Trial to Begin in US
Science has accomplished miraculous feats to help women unable to get pregnant achieve their dreams of motherhood. Now, doctors are hoping to help even those women who lack an essential element of every pregnancy — a uterus.

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy
If you’re pregnant, you likely know the importance of eating a healthy diet. Eating right during pregnancy can make for a healthy, happy newborn. So, what foods and drinks should you be avoiding? Read on to find out.
A Safer In Vitro Method
To realize their dreams of parenthood, many couples turn to in vitro fertilization (IVF). But this procedure is not without its risks.
Tdap Vaccine Appears Safe for Moms-to-Be
The safety of whooping cough vaccination during pregnancy can be a big concern for expecting moms and their doctors. But a new finding may help put that fear to rest.
During Pregnancy, No Amount of Alcohol Is Safe
It's well-known that heavy drinking during pregnancy can be dangerous for babies. But what about occasional drinking?
Breastfeeding Gets a Boost
More hospitals are teaching new mothers and moms-to-be how to breastfeed their newborns — a development that could lead to healthier children, health officials say.
How HRT Might Help Ovarian Cancer Patients
For ovarian cancer patients going through menopause, whether or not to take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be a big question. Now, these patients may have an answer.
Promising Preeclampsia Pill Under Further Study
Preeclampsia is a common cause of babies being born prematurely. But a potential new treatment may help.
Hormone Therapy for Women: Timing Matters
Hormone therapy for menopause has been a controversial subject for some time, primarily because of its link to heart disease risk.